The South African unit was reluctant to serve alongside their Indian colleagues, calling them 'coolies'.
Last night Phillips included several works by some of these artists to see how they measured up alongside their American and European colleagues.
Volunteers work alongside their colleagues in developing countries, providing new insights and techniques.
Members of the 3rd Battalion were deployed to both theatres alongside their regular colleagues.
In the UK, retained firefighters are responsible for undertaking community fire safety work alongside their full-time colleagues.
Within recent years the role of special constables has changed dramatically and they are now increasingly used alongside their regular colleagues to perform almost all police duties.
As the president laid out his case for war, some Democrats applauded alongside their Republican colleagues.
Comparatively few amateurs have the requisite training and performing skills to sit alongside their professional colleagues.
Obviously I, alongside my other colleagues, express my deepest sympathy for those who have suffered from the fires in Greece.
It's quite a different story for instrumentalists, since comparatively few nonprofessionals have the requisite training and performing skills to sit alongside their professional colleagues.