She sat expectantly, but he said nothing more until Marcia came in and ranged herself on the couch alongside her daughter.
She picks up a few small bags filled with the last-minute "prom-who-knows-what" and paces alongside her daughter.
Thutmose I was, however, not destined to lie alongside his daughter after Hatshepsut's death.
Her gun jabbed him viciously, forcing him backward alongside his daughter.
I think Ashton educated himself in genetics alongside his daughter.
From 1959 through the mid-1960s, Mills starred in several films alongside his daughter Hayley.
Papi Gusta ran the final five kilometers alongside his daughter.
At night I slept alongside their daughter and grandson on futons spread out on the floor of the workshop.
Atla is raised alongside the King's real daughter who is called Astera.
She couldn't eat any of her meal and went off to school where she had to sit alongside Mr Clark's daughter.