The US entered the war alongside the Allies (without actually joining them), and provided the needed money and supplies to keep them going.
The Polish II Corps was created in 1943 from various units fighting alongside the Allies in all theatres of war.
A government in exile based in London fought alongside the Allies, sending a small group of volunteers who participated in the Normandy invasion.
Until their liberation in 1945, the Dutch fought alongside the Allies around the globe, from the battles in the Pacific to the Battle of Britain.
The core of the Polish air units fighting alongside the Allies were experienced veterans of the 1939 Invasion of Poland.
The period following Antonescu's fall returned Romania to a democratic regime and the 1923 Constitution, as well as its participation in the war alongside the Allies.
For the last few years, Len had talked openly of the need for the United States to enter the war alongside the Allies.
For the remainder of the war, the RHN fought alongside the Allies from bases in the Middle East.
These Italian forces fought alongside the Allies for the rest of the war.
Faced by the choice: to surrender or to continue the fight alongside the Western Allies, they opted for the latter.