It possesses a difficulty rating of PD+/AD- on the French System for grading alpine routes.
Since then, Mount Torment has gained popularity because of the Torment-Forbidden Traverse, an exposed alpine route.
Some peaks are able to be reached by hillwalking, while others can only be summited on alpine routes by scrambling and rock climbing.
Humar, 40, who was married with two children, conquered hundreds of difficult alpine routes around the world, including some of the hardest climbs in the Himalayas.
To the south is the historic Cardrona Valley, offering a scenic alpine route to neighbouring Queenstown.
Weather is everything on a long alpine route.
On harder alpine routes, the size of party is dictated by the difficulties of the pitched sections, and a team of two is appropriate.
An alpine route is a trail or climbing route through difficult terrain in high mountains such as the Alps, sometimes with no obvious path.
After the Olympics will remain a public facility, complementing the extensive wilderness trails and alpine routes already in use.
A celebrated climb was the traverse of the Meije together with the Zsigmondy brothers in 1885, which to this date is considered a classic alpine route.