No further alteration appears to have been made until the 14th century, when, about 1330-40, the aisles were rebuilt on a more extended plan.
No other additions or alterations appear to have been made until the 19th century, with a new chancel.
But it was in Alan that the most striking alteration appeared.
It concluded that surgical alterations of the digestive system appear to work for many people without severe side effects.
The alterations may appear to be simple in their nature but actually they're not.
The alteration appears to have been made for two reasons.
Successive revisions are based on this edition, though important alterations appeared in 1604 and 1662.
"The alterations appear to be emanating outward from the planet in waves."
The alteration to the text made in 1944, extending the Entmoot by an extra day, has appeared already: see p. 407.
Other internal alterations appear to have been made in the late 19th century, possibly also by Barry in 1872.