But the ominous alteration in his tone made another woman of me.
Some levels were minimally changed, but the most noticeable alteration was making the game for one player only instead of two.
Nothing would change that, and no cosmetic alteration would make him any more himself.
In the old days, their effects had been fairly temporary, and the alterations they made relatively modest.
The alterations, he said, would make the park a construction site for years and radically change the shape of the lakes.
The alterations may cost a few hundred pounds, but make sure the right pump is used and the wiring done by a professional.
The alterations, unfortunately, made the design impossible to build, and eventually the entire concept was abandoned.
In the late 1850s a new magazine was built and alterations made to the existing gun emplacements.
I believe the alteration will make the amendments compatible, and we can then adopt them as they stand.
The arms have retained their basic design since, with only minor alterations made due to political and cultural considerations.