Did you have temporary confusion or altered behavior?
Each episode ends with a demonstration of the dog's altered behavior and the astonished pleasure of the owner.
According to the doctors, due to "an episode of mood disorder, represented by a lack of emotional control and altered behavior."
Previous human studies have shown an association between temporal lobe dysfunction and altered sexual behavior.
Some have a clear dose-response effect: stop the medication and the altered behavior stops as well.
Any altered behaviour may indicate that they too are suffering and need support and acknowledgement of their pain.
Male mice displayed the same pattern of altered behavior, which varied with age, she said.
Thus, only relatively heavy psychic disturbances, expressing themselves in the altered behavior of research animals, become discernible.
Overall, continued use leads to dopamine tolerance, which alters the circuitry of the brain and the reward system leading to altered behavior.
Therefore, animal models of depression often display altered anxiety-related behavior.