"I made a large reduction from the ten thousand she offered Saturday on account of the altered circumstances."
The only surprise lies in how quickly everyone adapts to his or her newly altered circumstances.
What is usually more interesting is when, through altered circumstances, they appear in very different roles.
Agreements tend to be written flexibly, allowing for altered circumstances.
The old medieval forms of faith no longer brought comfort, since they could not function clearly in these altered circumstances.
'Natural selection' holds that no such change can take place without the influence of altered external circumstances.
But with these altered circumstances, he was waiting, to give Cardona and his squad time to arrive.
With an altered circumstance or two - say, people walking by at the wrong moment - dozens could have been killed.
Many of his old customers still appear, but in vastly altered circumstances.
It's amazing how quickly one adjusts to strange surroundings and altered circumstances.