Podgorica has an altered Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and cold winters.
Over this initial period of twenty years a gradual adjustment of life took place to meet the altered climate.
Meanwhile, the people here from the Third World - convinced that they are already facing a dangerously altered climate - watch the negotiations with mounting frustration.
It is probably too much to ask that this slender musical address the altered political climate.
In this altered climate, the United States faces an interesting dilemma.
His works reflect the altered climate for sculpture, where cuteness, accumulation, formlessness and grunge have replaced old-fashioned monument building.
But while all three candidates committed themselves to a stronger Federal role in urban development, their remarks also reflected the altered fiscal climate of the times.
As succeeding generations struggle worldwide with an altered and de-stabilized climate, history will judge us very harshly.
In the long struggle over abortion, each side has periodically changed tactics to adapt to an altered political or legal climate.
There is also a shift in the distribution of pests as the altered climate makes areas previously uninhabitable more uninviting.