But the altered environment of New York today, from air quality to climate, is only one problem.
A follow-up study began in late 2011 to identify any effects of the altered environment aboard the space station.
It was in this dramatically altered environment that John Malone consolidated his power.
In nearly all the eight automated companies Professor Zuboff studied, workers felt themselves to be physically alienated by their altered environments.
In retrospect, if you survive, it could be hypothesized from a future vantage point that you'd "adapted" to an altered environment.
Today, in the same way, we need an orderly conversion of adjustable rate mortgages to take account of the fundamentally altered financial environment.
The decreased reproductive success may be due to borax exposure or to an altered environment caused by bulldozers disturbing the lake bed.
He had seen the photographs in the newspaper, but experiencing the altered environment was entirely unreal.
The United States wanted to change the previous arrangement so that it would accord better with an altered operational environment.
The outcome is a genetic change that shifts the expressed phenotype back to its original state despite the altered environment.