Genes with significantly altered expression were selected based on a threshold of ratios and confidence level.
Cyclin E is a prognostic marker in breast cancer, its altered expression increased with the increasing stage and grade of the tumor.
The first category of altered expressions resembles malapropism in all its unintentional oddysey.
This altered expression corresponds to various enriched cardiac dysfunctions.
Animals that are forced to eat during their resting period show increased body mass and altered expression of clock and metabolic genes.
Relevant genes with altered expression were then assigned to functional groups.
A particular transposed element will be positively selected for if the altered expression it produces confers an adaptive advantage.
Among the cell cycle transcripts with altered expression (Fig.
The methods were compared in terms of their ability (or failure) to detect genes defined as having (truly) altered expression.
The taller of the monks saw, by the Door's altered expression, that their disguises had been penetrated.