In very high doses, aluminium can cause neurotoxicity, and is associated with altered function of the blood-brain barrier.
Therefore, the previously described long-term complications, related to both surgery and altered immune function, should no longer be an issue for most survivors of childhood cancer.
However, it is more likely that this symptom can be attributed to altered vestibular function.
Some experts believe that altered function of the hypothalamus is the cause of cluster headaches.
These mutations usually result in an altered molecular function (often inactive) and are characterized by a dominant or semi-dominant phenotype.
Also, a treatment to try and correct an altered function that makes up the pathology is one current idea.
The link between levels of folate and altered mental function is not large, but is sufficient enough to suggest a causal association.
The altered autonomic function may be objective or subjective or both.
Fibromyalgia syndrome: a pain modulation disorder related to altered limbic function?
Items from previous Metroid games appear, with altered functions.