Another thorny question involves the control of genetically altered organisms.
The commission is concerned about the possible risks associated with releasing genetically altered organisms into the environment.
Meanwhile, Federal regulations were enacted to restrict the introduction of genetically altered organisms into the environment.
He said Washington disliked what it regarded to be a premise in the treaty that all genetically altered organisms were inherently unsafe.
Since the Supreme Court decision of 1980, we have granted patents for genetically altered organisms.
Genetically altered organisms pose this risk by definition.
Perhaps we should think what a similar error might mean in genetically altered organisms and their cloned progeny set loose on the rest of us.
The White House policy said genetically altered organisms and products should not be assumed to be dangerous because of the techniques used to produce them.
If genetically altered organisms can be patented, some wonder whether genes themselves should have value.
The Food and Drug Administration reviews new drugs and vaccines produced by or containing genetically altered organisms.