The researchers believe this effect is due to the flies' altered response to pheromones.
One study sought to determine if physicians had an altered response to viewing painful stimuli.
An altered humoral and cellular response to mannan is observed and may be due to a loss of yeast tolerance.
These altered responses were limited to the sino-atrial node and atria, both areas which contain many G protein-gated K channels.
Any GBP leads to a marked reduction in the functional volume of the stomach, accompanied by an altered physiological and physical response to food.
In our first experiment, we tested the hypothesis that the iron deficient heart would display an altered response to norepinephrine, the sympathetic nervous system neurotransmitter.
Following are some major signaling pathways, demonstrating how ligands binding to their receptors can affect second messengers and eventually result in altered cellular responses.
T. gondii-infected rodents show a number of behavioral changes beyond altered responses to cat odors.
Other altered response of mutated AR is the paradoxical agonistic effect of antiandrogens.
An appendectomy may result in an altered immune response that provides protection against UC, she explains.