The only change made to the chart used at Guantánamo was an altered title.
This version had the slightly altered title "Sweet Love 2K".
The event used an altered title, "Get Your Civil War On."
This began with a relaunch of Zedler's Cabinet magazine, under a slightly altered title.
Beast was brought to the small screen as a made-for-television film in 1996, under the slightly altered title The Beast.
The altered title of the 2001 version simply reflects the fact that a new sound group starts up after each interruption (Stockhausen 2002, 9 and 36).
Most of these appear on their 2007 album Strawberry Jam, some under slightly altered titles.
It was reprinted by Kitonić, without acknowledgement and under an altered title, in 1619.
The altered titles have been swiftly an*lysed and we're fixing any remaining glitches.