How could there be an alternate explanation, you ask?
How many other small things like that have been filed away and forgotten because someone came up with an alternate explanation?
Life itself, he thought, involved many alternate explanations for perplexing questions, and was generally "some of both."
There is, however, an alternate explanation: the universe might look the same in every direction as seen from any other galaxy, too.
An alternate but less likely explanation is an impact by a sizeable body.
He kept trying hard to find some alternate explanation, but kept coming back to only one.
Which offers an alternate explanation of why it hasn't been found floating out there.
But what I am trying to do is to point out that we don't know everything yet, and that there might be some alternate explanation.
An alternate explanation is that the artist would need a great deal of wisdom in order to create this mask.
An alternate explanation was that publishing standards at the time allowed only a single book a year.