City officials have proposed an alternate measure that would increase pensions to former city workers by $65 million a year.
Several weeks later, it issued a report that gave a number of alternate measures of the gains by the top 1 percent.
What's more, an alternate measure of capacity utilization shows significantly less slack.
The varsovienne, also known as the varsouvienne or varsoviana, is a slow, graceful dance in time with an accented downbeat in alternate measures.
The following equations convert between four alternate measures of speed (or unidirectional velocity) that flow from Minkowski's flat-space metric-equation:
Kahneman proposed an alternate measure that assessed pleasure or pain sampled from moment to moment, and then summed over time.
Using an alternate measure, he said, only 32 percent of what was there was gone.
CPS alternate measures of unemployment before 1994:
CPS alternate measures of unemployment after 1994:
For instance, instead of flushing small wastes, such as tissues, one can dispose of these items using alternate measures.