This suggests that there is an alternate mechanism to form smARF, underscoring the importance of this isoform.
Other variation types include additional value placement constraints, alternate cell symbols (e.g. letters), alternate mechanism for expressing the clues, and composition with overlapping grids.
Catalysts work by providing an alternate mechanism for the reaction to occur.
This alternate mechanism takes less energy and hence a given transformation will occur more frequently.
This may be an alternate mechanism of gene inactivation.
Two alternate mechanisms have been proposed, in addition to sensory enhancement, to modulate object-based attention: attentional prioritization and attentional shifting.
An alternate mechanism is to clamp a lever to the shaft and measure using a single balance.
There are alternate mechanisms for traversal of NAT, STUN is just one of them.
However, it is thought that bacteria have alternate mechanisms to produce amino acids which might make this approach less effective.
Except that she did have an alternate mechanism: the largest creature, with the four feet on the ground, was a "horse" who was "telepathic."