An alternate reading might portray a news division's attempt to deal realistically with the harsh economics of broadcast journalism.
An alternate reading of this highway numeral designation is ji-go-ku.
I Corinthians 1:21-31 and Matthew 26:17-29 are alternate readings.
One student objected to the assignment, and was given an alternate reading in accordance with the university's religious accommodation policy.
She is referred to as Kayo, an alternate reading of the kanji in her name.
Thus, "China Mountain" is an alternate reading of his Chinese given name.
However other critics suggest that this is a "deliberate attempt to provide alternate readings" on principle.
There is an alternate reading, namely that the Betti numbers give the dimensions of spaces of harmonic forms.
There is an alternate reading for ohaguro, 鉄漿 (literally 'iron drink').
The poem and alternate readings are included below: