The film, written and directed by Jane Anderson, based on her 1989 play, is alternately funny and poignant.
Their verbal ballet is a delicate one, alternately funny and touching as the man comes to understand her and almost give her what she wants.
It is alternately funny and sad, a morality play without too much moralizing, with an eclectic score.
Her work is an alternately funny and soul-defining odyssey, a journey to self-understanding through art.
She is alternately funny, charming and self-deprecating.
Death shadows the novel, which is alternately funny, outrageous and sad.
These scenes are oddly poignant, and alternately funny and terrifying.
Ms. Vaughn's strong suit is an ability to make harrowing situations alternately funny and sad.
Ms. Vaughn's fine first story collection offers harrowing situations made alternately funny and sad by lively, believable characters.
During the conversation, he was alternately funny, maudlin, philosophical and erudite.