Apart from Cardinal Cassidy's remarks, the Vatican's official statement alternately praised and criticized the declaration.
Dancers and singers alternately praise and mock Platée.
Byck was given to tape-recording rants to celebrities in which he complained about his lot, alternately praised and insulted his targets and revealed his seemingly unlikely intentions.
Newspapers have bought both these spins, alternately praising and criticizing Microsoft's virginity, but accepting it as a given.
In an interview at the time, William Hammett, the institute's president, alternately praised Murray's integrity and worried that the book would broach "the genetic inferiority stuff."
Salman Rushdie has called her "a weird woman who seems to feel the need to alternately praise and spank".
Though she published no new writing of her own, Kael was not averse to giving interviews, in which she alternately praised and derided newly released films and television shows.
Real priests and nuns sent their letters in alternately praising and condemning the series.
In a heated conversation in which he alternately praised and condemned the final product, he grumbled, "The film now is broken into 18 pieces."