Lord Hyrim alternately sang and talked as if all the countryside were his enchanted audience; but Lord Shetra and the Bloodguard moved in their private silences.
They currently sing alternately between Evensong on Mondays at 5.45 pm and the 9.30 am Family Eucharist on Sundays.
He sings alternately with a chorus.
Since 1994, in addition to the boys choristers, there is a choir of girl choristers who sing alternately with the boys.
The boys and girls sing alternately with the Vicars Choral.
When two choirs stand in different parts of the church and sing alternately these are called Antiphonal chants.
The two sang alternately on stage and each had his own style.
Michael Collver alternately sang and played the corno muto, finding in both activities bright timbre, straightened tone and flat-out intensity.
One of the most remarkable examples of this is the duet of the African bou-bou shrike, in which each of the pair sings alternately.
The singer and audience alternately sing lines to a set melody, accompanied by an ensemble.