The work's structure plays on the ensembles' increasing differentiation and eventual reconciliation, with results that alternately suggest sophisticated debate and gang warfare.
Alternately suggesting Barnett Newman stripes or Brice Marden painted panels on the move, these works give the modernist taste for black and white a new objectivity.
Matt caught glimpses of tissue that alternately suggested squid suckers and fur, but he never got a look at the entire creature.
He took impasto to extremes that alternately suggested stony, trilobite relief and cake icing.
However, Grebenshchikov has given differing stories in interviews, suggesting alternately that it came through band word association sessions or was inspired a glass aquarium-like building.
It suggests alternately that they instead functioned as a "lived space" more closely resembling households and private dwellings than public architecture like temples.
The raked expanse of pale gravel alternately suggests undulating ocean currents and carefully plowed fields.
The brightly colored shapes alternately suggested Dr. Seuss drawings, gigantic Christmas ornaments and the carnivorous plant from "Little Shop of Horrors."
Some scholars alternately suggest a connection with Old Irish réud, Welsh rhew "cold".
Gone was his usual buoyancy; in its place was a subdued manner and whispery voice that alternately suggested seriousness and weariness with the questions about the death penalty.