And then there's Johnny Cash, shut out by Nashville only to have an unlikely rebirth this year as an "alternative" act.
The site, which specializes in independent and alternative acts, was once a music-lover's dream, offering subscribers all the music they could download.
Maybe Daly will be able to book a few more alternative acts and decrease the number of interviews with musclebound boy bands or Christina Aguilera clones.
In reality, though, Hicks, who died of cancer in 1994 at the age of 32, was the quintessential early 90's alternative act.
The Toronto-based company also has its hands in publishing, licensing, multi-format releases, management and legal, pushing forward-thinking, progressive dance and alternative acts.
Wilfred suggests an alternative act - Mind Reading!
CMT's music mix is primarily focused on mainstream hit country songs, but also includes occasional videos from crossover, Americana and alternative acts.
Airplay of rock, electronica, and alternative acts was reduced.
Although they are one of China's most popular rock bands, they remain an alternative act with a non-mainstream following.
The album presented the band as a unique alternative act featuring the song lyrics sung by the vocalist Zoja Borovcanin in an invented language.