As an alternative estimate of expected incidence we modelled change in prevalence in two populations.
The fitted distribution would provide an alternative estimate of the desired probability.
An alternative estimate to NISP, often done in concert, is minimum number of individuals (MNI).
(1983) provides an alternative estimate looking at benefits over 10 years; the gain was almost $8 million this time, allowing for increased costs, taxes and interest.
The figures for productivity are probably somewhat optimistic since alternative estimates indicate no acceleration until towards the end of the period.
For each discount level, this provides an alternative estimate of the arriving shift volumes, based on the leaving shift volume and a reasonable attendant growth.
However, if it is felt that the estimate is excessive, an alternative estimate should be obtained.
The Census Bureau, however, has also calculated, beginning with 1979, several alternative estimates that include Federal benefits such as food stamps, subsidized housing and medical care.
But the E.P.A. analysts also included an alternative estimate, derived from an international assortment of scientific studies asking consumers how much they would pay for safety.
An alternative estimate was that the two rooms, which could be divided by a partition, were the main focus for a school roll of 200 pupils.