Due to his reluctance to discuss his past, there has been speculation that "Leon Redbone" was an alternative identity for another performer.
All this expressed in a flat, honest narrative whisper that came to reside under my skull like some grim alternative identity.
And Malik was already assuming an alternative identity, since the letter is obviously addressed to him.
Role-playing is a common device in self-portraiture, and it is used by several artists to establish desired or alternative identities.
What they're fantasizing about is an alternative adult identity for themselves.
He also discovered the two main alternative identities used by the depositor.
Their culture has no rights, no claim to an alternative identity.
One of the speakers was Mr. Rambam, who spoke of "how easy it is to manufacture alternative identities" as a first step in defrauding an insurer.
The digital age facilitates the creation of such alternative identities in cyberspace.
She created alternative identities for herself.