Now I think about it, that last sentence would make a great alternative lyric for this song:
Whether or not these were alternative lyrics sung in the British army, they were enthusiastically taken up by the Yankees themselves.
Some music labels or artists produce censored versions themselves, sometimes with alternative lyrics, to comply with the rules set by various radio and television programs.
Many alternative lyrics exist but they all tell the tale of a shepherd into whose chest the abovementioned snake crawls.
This chorale - with alternative lyrics - is still in regular use in the congregations.
To a sizeable number of British consumers, the advert's alternative lyrics are more familiar than the original.
Gilbert made every effort to accommodate his collaborator, even writing alternative lyrics to some songs.
The "'94 tour" version holds alternative lyrics to the song which expand more on the whole theme.
An alternative lyric changes the third line:
The tune has been used with alternative lyrics numerous times.