As he recorded in his notes, his preaching was not altogether successful.
Although they were not altogether successful, those that slept heard the song as part of their dreams.
By some accounts, the 1979 trip was not altogether successful.
He was not altogether successful in keeping the surprise out of his voice.
Lilymary made an attempt to talk to me, but it wasn't altogether successful.
In an interesting, not altogether successful moment of musical theater, her song goes unheard by Tom and the other guests.
For all the attention to politics, this White House has not been altogether successful.
On closer inspection, I could also see that gallant, if not altogether successful, efforts had been made to soften the interior.
The planters, long since empty of flowers, were filled with concrete in an attempt - not altogether successful - to discourage rats.
76 Herypierre later described the attempt - not altogether successful - to hide the traces.