That name was not altogether unknown to Conan.
They form relationships, yes, but pair bonding seems to be uncommon among them, possibly altogether unknown.
It has been a fascinating experience, and I have learned many things regarding the antique world which are altogether unknown and unverifiable to my fellows.
As they are altogether unknown and inconceivable, they can never be proved incompatible with it.
Still, beside the river ran the vestige of a trail; the valley could not be altogether unknown to traffic, which might prove to his disadvantage.
We tasted joys that were altogether unknown to them.
Not a common name, and not a name which seemed to be altogether unknown to her.
The space-born mind was a new species, an altogether unknown entity that would test this crew sorely.
They were altogether unknown to the Romans.
That's not altogether unknown, of course, but in this case I'd say it was highly unlikely, virtually impossible.