The organization's focus is to build a community in which attendees support and inspire each other to achieve personal, business, and altruistic goals.
Too late, we discovered that some of us had forsaken the altruistic goals of our work.
Ms. Stewart may not have such altruistic goals for the time being, but she has already begun getting back to work (and collecting her salary of $75,000 a month).
We are told that we are liberating a people from tyranny, but liberation is just a byproduct of a less altruistic goal.
Her mission to connect with the hydrogues and save the Empire was not the altruistic goal the Dobro Designate had always explained to her.
In addition to being an altruistic goal, his push on worker safety had bottom-line benefits.
To his dismay, the two have less altruistic goals and intend to turn Earth into a new Krypton.
"They haven't discouraged us from our more altruistic goals," he said.
In the past, the ghetto doctor (Martin Rayner) reluctantly opens the ward and becomes a heroic figure, challenging the Germans while pursuing his own altruistic goals.
These altruistic goals are requisite to understanding the notion of Third Persona, which seeks to acknowledge the unacknowledged social voice.