He is initially driven by a desire for the publicity from interviews and public appearances more than any altruistic impulse.
And an altruistic impulse combined with an urge to play with a new technology propelled him into action.
And the altruistic impulse in humans is frequently absent in the face of need, which seems inconsistent with selfless goodness.
The altruistic impulse, they say, is a nondenominational gift, the birthright and defining characteristic of the human species.
Why don't the stay-at-homes simply outbreed the do-gooders and thus bury the altruistic impulse along with the casualties of combat?
It wasn't clear to him why he was being kept alive, except as some vaguely altruistic impulse of Valentina's.
"Kin selection" accounts for the evolution of altruistic impulses toward close relatives.
And the Vorta, their beloved Vorta, had not been solely motivated by altruistic impulses.
Q. Work on the stock exchange trading floors has the reputation of being a numbing experience, where money rules and altruistic impulses are left at the door.
Apparently there was more to the place than a bunch of kooks, wasting their altruistic impulses on wounded mayflies.