In sports, head coaches and managers are recycled like aluminum cans.
Two men with green plastic trash sacks were working it for aluminum cans.
I started at the bottom, picking up aluminum cans off the side of the road for spending money.
The first was the change in 12-ounce aluminum cans for soft drinks.
He came out only in the early morning when most of the city was asleep, to pick up aluminum cans to sell for food.
Then you can let someone else use the electricity to make 0.8 new aluminum cans.
They've just been recycled like so many aluminum cans.
The money I'd got for the aluminum cans would just about cover a hamburger, though not the fries that went with it.
It is drawn on a 10,000 m area, and filled up with aluminum cans.
Whoever designed these aluminum cans wasn't thinking about the work we have to do while we're inside them.