The original spars were made of wood until the late 60's and early 70's when there was a slow change to aluminum masts.
From sailboats swaying at anchor comes the faint chiming of rigging striking tall aluminum masts.
It carries a 165-foot aluminum mast and a 61-foot Park Avenue boom, a design of the 1930's that was flat and wide.
The aluminum mast has a single set of spreaders, and is supported by 1x19 standing rigging.
The original boats were built with an unstayed, two-piece aluminum mast and wishbone boom.
The mainsail has a sleeve which fits over the 3-piece aluminum mast.
The rigging consist of an aero-dynamically shaped aluminum mast held by a forestay and two shroud wires.
A deck-stepped aluminum mast (37' I measurement) with fore-and-aft lower shrouds.
The boat comes equipped with an aluminum two-piece mast, an aluminum boom, and a lifting rudder.
Handling the old aluminum masts and booms required considerable upper-body strength and athleticism.