Das served as a research scientist, developing new aluminum smelting and carbon electrode technologies.
In Japan for example, such arrangements have been permitted in the steel, aluminum smelting, ship building and various chemical industries.
In addition, taxing energy used by business would drive energy-intensive production, like aluminum smelting, out of the country.
The industrial base is very broad, including light and heavy manufacturing, aluminum smelting and chemicals.
Instead some kind of metallurgical process is needed, such as aluminum smelting and similar.
Ghana's most important manufacturing industries include light manufacturing, aluminum smelting, food processing, cement, and small commercial ship building.
The tax would promote conservation, but the House version gives a sizable tax break to one of the most power-hungry industries, aluminum smelting, though not by name.
Additionally 5,193 GWh or 72% was used for power intensive industries like aluminum smelting.
Kopper's coal tar pitches are essential to manufacturing carbon anodes for aluminum smelting.
Supporters of the project suggested that the cheap electricity provided by the dam would be a strong enticement for electricity-intensive industries, such as aluminum smelting, to move to Alaska.