A fellow amateur genealogist suggested that it would be impossible to create a database that contained information on everyone who has ever lived.
It provides amateur and professional genealogists with the tools to research their Jewish family history and heritage.
Since Victorian times, amateur genealogists have transcribed and indexed parish registers.
How many amateur genealogists there are cannot be determined precisely, but the number is certainly in the tens of millions.
According to Time magazine, 300,000 amateur genealogists last year visited a site for Ukrainian Americans.
In his latter years, he spent more time as an amateur genealogist who focused on Louisiana Creole ancestry.
Torrance was also an amateur genealogist and did extensive research on his family roots.
Professional and amateur genealogists can search for missing links.
That connection was speculative at best, sniffed some among the swelling ranks of amateur genetic genealogists.
An amateur genealogist has revealed a surprise in the family tree of the black contender in the race to be the Democrats' presidential candidate.