Entries in an early "philosophic journal" from April and May 1934, are described by Rand as "the vague beginnings of an amateur philosopher."
Holes in the ground always attract amateur philosophers, and Old Pete was following the tradition.
An NYU grad student and amateur philosopher who lives on unemployment benefits.
George Padamadan (November 10, 1932 - July 25, 2004) was a self-described amateur philosopher from India.
Man is a student and aspiring author while Bouba is an amateur philosopher.
John was a man of letters and an amateur philosopher.
Brissenden is a committed socialist and introduces Eden to a group of amateur philosophers that he calls the "real dirt".
The other regular character was Trevor (Mick Ford), an amateur philosopher who owned a mobile burger bar.
It aims to bridge the gap between professional and amateur philosophers, by holding talks, lectures and debates.
Fashionable skepticism about science had risen around the turn of the millennium, when every pundit and amateur philosopher was pronouncing the end of eras.