URE promotes amateur radio by sponsoring amateur radio operating awards and radio contests.
Key membership benefits of HRS include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards and radio contests.
Some sponsors of amateur radio operating awards, which normally accept QSL cards for proof of contacts, may also recognize a specific electronic QSL system in verifying award applications.
SRAL supports amateur radio operators in Finland by sponsoring amateur radio operating awards and radio contests.
An amateur radio operating award is earned by an amateur radio operator for establishing two-way communication (or "working") with other amateur radio stations.
Most amateur radio operating awards require that the applicant submit proof, such as QSL cards, of the contacts which satisfy the requirements of the award.
It also is associated with a number of amateur radio awards, of which the best known is Worked All Zones.
The island is considered as a separate country for amateur radio awards.
DX-peditions are planned and organized to help operators who need to contact that area to obtain an amateur radio award.
KFRR promotes amateur radio in Kazakhstan by sponsoring amateur radio operating awards and radio contests.