Choreographers who work with amateur skaters face somewhat different challenges than those working with professionals.
There is no such thing as a true amateur skater anymore.
He was more understanding about the choice of some amateur skaters to steer wide of fund-raisers, and seminars, on the subject.
Competitions were exclusively for amateur skaters, which was enforced.
Teams of amateur skaters from around the world were fielded to compete for their respective nations.
An amateur skater from 1890 to 1898, during which time he was the dominant speed skater in Canada.
Even the so-called amateur skaters could now make more than $1 million a year.
In September 1984 he retired as an amateur skater and became a coach for the Harbin team.
To date, the company has signed a number of professional and amateur skaters to its team.
Some amateur skaters earn money by doing commercials and endorsements.