He added that the bonuses are made in such a way as not to violate an athlete's amateur standing.
Under collegiate rules, Nelson was allowed to remove himself from draft consideration while maintaining his amateur standing.
I figured that the cloudy look in his eyes arose from his amateur standing.
And Gil, he's kept his amateur standing, he plays without pay.
Furthermore, amateur standing was typically lost when one competed against a professional, even if there was no money involved in that particular competition.
She won $13,100 prize money, so she lost amateur standing.
I made the mistake of paying him for an idea once, and he quickly lost his amateur standing.
However, members of the Supercross class could not win more than US$200 per event and keep their amateur standing.
Pierce/Harlow might have been a college golfer defending his amateur standing.
"Considering your amateur standing and less than mediocre talents, you're vastly overpriced."