"He's a wonderful woodcarver and boat builder, but most of all, he's an amazing character, right out of a book."
He claims to "toy around with the whole Biblical thing," because it "just has amazing characters" and also identifies himself as "pretty much" an atheist.
You're a top lad with an amazing character, always making people smile!
While I've been extremely lucky to play some amazing characters, I've watched the roles dry up.
Chrissie wasn't around for that long but she was an amazing character with an epic storyline.
Some are are even calling her "arguably the single most amazing female character in all of video games."
Basu described the role as "amazing" character, who makes others cry when he laughs.
Edward Dalton glanced back over his shoulder at him and then said to her, "A most amazing character.
He's an fantastic actor playing an amazing character.
Crow is an amazing character - somehow outside everything, always watching, always laughing.