Girls in the more fashionable London stores make the most amazing statements in reference to dress regulations.
"I thought this was quite an amazing statement," recalled Fang, "for the truth was that they had not yet even asked us our names!"
"HE has a duplicate key of the house door," was her amazing statement.
An amazing statement, as if that the situation is worst in Somalia isn't the islamists fault.
In spite of himself the Captain was touched by this amazing statement.
Sincerely hoping to gain belief, Tam repeated the amazing statement.
It's one of the more amazing statements of the campaign.
Do you know all these parents & just what do you base your amazing statement on?
To say that a common agricultural policy should be the cornerstone of food security is an amazing statement which needs to be shot down.
That is one of the most amazing statements that I have ever heard, he said with passion.