The formula was simple and durable, and the resultant recordings proved amazingly consistent; the Carters simply did not make bad records.
He produced some of the most durable, though still little-known musical monuments of the post-Cage 70s, and his output has been amazingly consistent in quality.
Having added several key players, the Mets now offer brilliant fielding and amazingly consistent hitting.
Master Li seemed to feel a peculiar admiration for the late mandarin, whose career had been amazingly consistent.
Most of the nearly 30 songs he performed were hits at one time, an amazingly consistent string.
Many of our secret police proxies and proteges have displayed an amazingly consistent penchant for torture.
Since nearly all bog fiction seems to have been inspired by Lindow Man, the genre is amazingly consistent.
The results were amazingly consistent for fold change and direction of change in almost all instances.
"The results have been amazingly consistent; these are very solid preferences," said Jon A. Krosnick, a professor of psychology and political science at Ohio State University.
There are many ways to approach Hopper's rich, amazingly consistent art.