Of course, none of it was actually there, but the illusion was amazingly realistic.
The expressions of their molded faces were amazingly realistic.
To the surprise of the couple, the act is amazingly realistic.
After the first shock, her amazingly realistic animal sounds added a fascinating dimension.
She lifted the amazingly realistic flap of one of Fuxxy Mark Two's ears and found a slot there to insert the card.
But when she examines the data-object the mysterious figure gave her, it opens into an amazingly realistic image of a golden city.
We all watched with her as trained EMTs set the "femur" of an amazingly realistic dummy.
The four of us walked gingerly from this amazingly realistic simulator, impressed but nauseated.
Whether or not it actually happened, the film undoubtedly astonished people in the audience who were unaccustomed to the amazingly realistic illusions created by moving pictures.
The result: an amazingly realistic joy ride through the skies of Manhattan.