I have never seen such an open admission of the relationship between campaign contributions and ambassadorial appointments.
He received his first ambassadorial appointment to Paraguay in 1944.
Two major ambassadorial appointments of recent days are further signals of the sharp turn in Prague's international stance.
Almost all ambassadorial appointments since the 1950s have been made from among veteran diplomats.
Gee, I haven't even begun to think of ambassadorial appointments.
Like her father, she was on the administrative track in the State Department, which seldom leads to an ambassadorial appointment.
Beesley received his first ambassadorial appointment in 1973.
Who will make crucial cabinet, ambassadorial and lifetime judicial appointments?
He served as a colonel in the Israeli army, and later received an ambassadorial appointment.
He also made known his distaste for the practice of using ambassadorial appointments as political sinecures.