Occasionally, the spoke will be granted a more general ambassadorial role by the Affinity group.
To some degree, young Tibetans are playing that ambassadorial role.
He says, "When the airport approached me about the ambassadorial role, I had no hesitation in accepting.
Three days later, he announced a long-term deal with WWE, where he will serve in an ambassadorial role.
Equally, it is evident that the course leaders have also been carefully selected to help represent the brand, almost in ambassadorial roles.
He will also have mentoring and ambassadorial roles.
That provided Acorna with an opening to discuss her ambassadorial role with someone she felt instinctively was trustworthy.
A letter plays an ambassadorial role.
The player has also been offered an ambassadorial role at Anfield whenever he does decide to hang up his boots.
One can't see him in an ambassadorial role at all can one?