The personal and corporate income taxes, with their multiple brackets, myriad deductions and ambiguous definitions would be abolished.
Physicians in several countries, including Ireland and Canada, have expressed concern over ambiguous definitions of abortion.
Martha Croll Unfortunately, there is an ambiguous definition of the term "billion".
A more ambiguous definition of roles can produce flexibility.
While information as a distinct term has various ambiguous definitions, there's one which is more general, such as "description of events".
At the time, there were somewhat ambiguous definitions regarding the foundations of calculus, and hence important theorems could not be proven with sufficient rigour.
This has resulted in many ambiguous definitions for feature.
It had the kind of flaws one might expect in an undergraduate paper: sloppy writing, misleading analysis, ambiguous definitions and unsupported conclusions.
These are national products and we cannot tinker with them by introducing ambiguous definitions, which is exactly what we have done today.
This particularly threatens Internet statements by individuals, and ambiguous definitions of membership in the press make the possible effects ambiguous.