My ambiguous feelings about attending the Cartier event were set out in an earlier column.
Oddly enough, the first of these to be faced from my new home was my still ambiguous feeling about rats.
The song is a ballad, with Rita describing her ambiguous feelings about a relationship.
As she has said: "In the early years, I had ambiguous feelings about the horse and what it meant to me.
Other events over the ensuing years had served to increase the wizard's ambiguous feelings toward the place.
But most of the pictures have a sting that reveals the artists' ambiguous feelings about wealth.
In this ambiguous feeling, however, the sense of attraction immensely prevailed.
Did she, if only briefly, have ambiguous feelings that day about bringing a child into a world so troubled?
And as the crowd drifted away from the bell tower, there were many ambiguous feelings.
"They had ambiguous feelings about Pinochet, but didn't know about the policies and plans of the opposition."