Few would expect the eight pages of ambitious pledges to be fulfilled, any more than citizens of any one country would believe the same promises from politicians.
But Republicans, and even some Democrats, were shocked by his recent ambitious pledge to help raise $50 million for Democrats before the November election.
They opened their campaigns with ambitious pledges to bring in more watchdogs, end pay-to-play practices and stop the cronyism that everyone agrees has sullied politics in the state.
AD Partners has been working alongside the CGF to help facilitate their ambitious pledge to achieve zero net deforestation by 2020.
Damian Carrington: How should we assess David Cameron's ambitious green pledge?
When he took office in 1998, Mr. Zhu made ambitious pledges to bolster growth while radically restructuring state enterprises and banks.
It was an incredibly ambitious pledge.
Nine years later, the city has made good on much of that ambitious pledge.
Surely the most ambitious environmental pledge to emerge from the Clinton White House is its promise to restore the Everglades and Florida Bay to good health.
Just over two years ago, President Clinton emerged from a meeting with 33 Western Hemisphere leaders and made an ambitious pledge.