A short reign for an ambitious ruler set the stage for future campaigns for independence.
Anantadeva (1070 to 1110 A. D.), the son of the elder brother of Mammuni, happened to be an ambitious ruler.
And these ambitious rulers, thought Charlotte, were seeking their victories at the expense of the people of such poor little dukedoms as Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
King Ling was thought to be an ambitious but violent ruler.
Such ambitious rulers never forced their subjects to adopt Buddhist forms of belief or worship.
According to the Bible, he was an unprincipled, ambitious ruler, often engaged in war with his own subjects.
Ying, now the imperially ambitious ruler of his own realm.
Maharaja Tilok Chand Arkawanshi was a brave and ambitious ruler.
An energetic and ambitious ruler, Mangalesa won several laurels in war.
Nearly forty years were to pass before a comparably ambitious ruler appeared on the Russian throne.