I did not know at the time that there were other Arab novelists who write on an equally ambitious scale, and in vastly different styles.
Sounds like you're kind of suicidal, but on a colossally ambitious scale.
After 1788 Baldwin took over the development of the Bathwick estate, a project conceived on the most ambitious scale.
An ambitious scale, however, need not be emotionally remote.
Prometheus, on the other hand, already looks likely to pan out on a vastly more ambitious scale.
This limestone head, for all its ambitious scale and care, seems hardly comparable in quality to the best work of the age in marble.
After the trade collapsed, the Knicks rekindled talks on a more realistic and less ambitious scale.
But the large, dark room emphasized the music's delicacy rather than its ambitious scale.
Something must be done on an ambitious scale.
As for the renovation, that too has taken place, though on a slightly less ambitious scale than was earlier suggested.